Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The ABC’s of Packing for College

A - Alarm Clock, Air Freshener ( no candles or incense)
B - Band-Aids, Blankets, Backpack, Breakfast bars, Bathroom rugs, Bedding items, Bed
risers (in halls where beds are movable to raise beds and create more storage)
C - Calculator, Cleaning Supplies, Cell Phone, Computer, Carpet, Carpet scissors, Comforter,
Checkbook, Cash (for the first week), Clothes hangers
D - Dictionary, DVD, Desk Lamp (non-halogen), Dry Erase Board, Debit Card, Dolly/Pull cart
for move-in day
E - Envelopes, Energy Drinks
F - Flip flops, Fan, Folders, First-Aid Kit, Facebook Account
G - Guitar Hero, Game Day Attire, Glasses
H - Hangers, Hair Dryer, Highlighters, Hat, Healthy snacks
I - Iron, Index Cards, Ipod, Insurance card
J - Jacket, Jumper Cables
K - Kleenex
L - Laundry Basket, Laundry Detergent, Loofah
M - Money, Memo Board, Map
N - Notebooks, Number 2 Pencils
O - Organizer, Orange Attire
P - Paper Clips, Prescriptions, Power Strips with Surge Protector, Planner, Pillow, Photos,
Personal computer, Phone, Posters
Q - Q-tips
R - Ruler, Rugs, Rain gear/umbrella, Retainer, Running Shoes
S - Scissors, Stapler/Staples, Scarf, Stereo, Sheets, Soap, Sewing kit, Storage basket
T - Thumbtacks, Towels, TV, Toiletries, Tools for assembling lofts and disassembling beds
U - Umbrella, Underwear
V - Vacuum Cleaner, Vitamins, VOLcard, Video Games
W - Winter Coat, Watch, Water
X - Xerox Paper, Xbox
Y - Yearbook
Z - Ziploc Bags

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Need to reach students? Email isn't enough!

Many colleges are trying to connect with students via Facebook, Twitter, and other places where other places where they "hang out" online. Campus ministries will be wise to do likewise. Click here to go to an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education to learn more. 

Monday, April 8, 2013


Spring 2013 has marked a new beginning for RUSH Collegiate Ministries. We are now an outreach ministry. We are stepping aside the box to do ministry in a big and brand new way. Please support us as we make a difference on college campuses.