Discipleship Accountability Questions
The following questions are designed to help you or anyone you are helping disciple stay accountable. You should be asking these questions on a regular basis. Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly are good time frames.
These are general, sample questions. You can modify this list to suit your own needs or the needs of the person you are discipling.
These questions are split into three sections: your relationship to God, your inner life, your actions.
Your Relationship to God
1. Are all of your decisions meant to honour God? If not, what has been your main motivator.
2. Have you spent much time with God recently?
3. Has your relationship with Christ gotten better or worse recently?
4. Have you spent much time lately in prayer? How much?
5. Have you spent much time lately studying scripture? How much? What have you learned?
6. Have you worshiped God privately recently?
7. Have you worshiped God at Church recently?
Your Inner Life
1. Has your thought life been pure recently? If not, what have you struggled with?
2. How have you been tempted lately? How did you deal with those temptations?
3. Have you looked at members of the opposite sex inappropriately recently?
4. Have you allowed yourself to get into inappropriate situations with the opposite sex recently?
5. What were the happiest times you have had recently? What caused them? Did you remember to thank God?
6. What brought you pain or suffering recently? How did you handle the situations?
Your Actions
1. Have you taken part in a Bible study or small group recently?
2. Have you practiced any of the disciplines of abstinence recently? (Solitude, Silence, Fasting) What did you learn from them?
3. Have you practiced any of the disciplines of growth recently? (Bible memorization, study, prayer, service etc) What did you learn from them?
4. What have you done recently to improve your relationship with your spouse and family?
5. Have you offered encouragement to your spouse and your family recently?
6. Have you done anything significant for your spouse and your family recently?
7. Have you treated your friends, neighbours and co-workers fairly recently?
8. Have you turned the other cheek and 'blessed those who curse you to anyone that has slandered or harmed you recently?
9. Have you helped any needy people recently? What did it cost you to help them? What were your motives in helping them?
10. Have you said anything to hurt anyone recently? Did you make amends?
11. Did you work extra hard (for the Lord) in your business and home life duties recently?
12. What spiritual goals have you set lately? Have you met those goals? If not, what do you have to change to meet those goals?
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